On Tuesday 08 July 2003 02:46 am, Anand Kumria wrote:
> If anyone is interested in doing a (educational) pub crawl around Sydney
> to find a suitable location, let me know.

seeing as i have been d/l'g the 4 debian ISOs over the last coupla nites (yes 
.. i have a slow connection) i think i still have enuff in me to put my hand 
up again for a bit more pain and suffering for this worthy cause ... 'slong 
as the time is ok .. advance notice will be appreciated...

personally .. i have no probs with the WBH .. it was fairly easy to get to as 
i have a car.. plus i m not a regular attendee.. yet 

for those who work .. and have important gear to lug around and protect .. i m 
not too sure how any other venue would be different .. i mean .. things will 
still have to be kept locked in the boot of the car (undesirable but lots 
safer than leaving them in open view) .. and/or things will have to be 
carried around and brought into the meeting place (wherever that maybe)

of cos i m not sure how much stuff folks carry around with them when they go 
to work... my own case feels like it is 20 kgs sometimes (when i do carry it 
around ...hhhhmmm must weigh it one day .. will get a chance next week ) .. 

underaged parties who r interested in debian can usually get into specified 
areas of most licensed premises if they are under supervision ... and a 
meeting spot like that at the WBH would most probably fall into that category 
... i think .. any legal opinions on that from anyone?? or is one 
necessary??? :))

my 2c worth :)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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