On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 12:53:11PM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jul 2003, Matt Hope wrote:
> > There have been mumbings and some comments made about the current
> > location for the Debian Interest Group meetings - currently, the
> > Woolloomooloo Bay Hotel.
> Not too bad, but it tends to be a bit noisy.  It also fails on your "public
> transport" requirement - it's not near public transport, IMO.  Better than,
> say, Miller would be (look it up on your outer outer western Sydney maps),
> but it's still not particularly close to the Train station.
> > I'm interested if anyone has any comments about the current venue
> > (good or bad), and any possible alternative suggestions.
> > 
> > Currently, I believe we need a location that
> >   - has food and drink nearby,
> >   - is accessable via public transport
> >   - is in a fairly central location
> - Doesn't cost much to hire (which I believe is one of the problems voiced
> with the WBH).  Considering the amount of food and drink bought (especially

The secret incantantion is "community group" and all costs are waived.
Cost has only been an issue for me when I booked DebSIG the second time
and couldn't remember the phrase.


 `` We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think.
 When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never
 leaves. '' -- Buddha, The Dhammapada
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