Douglas Hespe wrote:

On Thu, Jul 10, 2003 at 09:28:45AM +1000, Michael Lake wrote:

How are you getting it into latex? Are you putting it out as an eps file from gnuplot and pulling that into latex with \includegraphics or are you outputting from gnuplot latex drawing commands? i.e. what are you using for the 'set terminal' command in gnuplot for the output to go into latex?

I have used:
set terminal X11
plot [x=-1:10] sqrt(x/(x**2 + 1))
set terminal latex
set output eqn-aiv.tex
replot -sqrt(x/(x**2 + 1))
Without the second last two lines (setting latex and output) this generates what I want on the screen with the upper, positive half
in red and the lower half in green.
The output file is in latex \picture format which is imported into
the main tex-file.

Thanks, Doug.

I have found gnuplot does funny things with eps files. I usually 'set terminal fig' then manipulte the image in xfig and export as eps.

Laurie Savage

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