<quote who="Malcolm V">

> On Sat, 2003-07-19 at 15:44, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > If reusing home directories breaks things, and the user hasn't made
> > significant modifications to things like .profile, .bashrc, etc., then it is
> > the distribution's fault, and 100% a bug.
> If ...
> If all distributions were identical, you'd never be installing more then
> one of them.
> If everyone wanted the exact same setup, they wouldn't be using Linux.
> If you installed Gentoo, you'd never have to worry about doing a x.0 to
> x.1 upgrade.

That's not the point. Assuming the same user database (LDAP, yp, whatever),
*nothing* should stop you from logging in to the same home directory from
multiple machines. Anything that does is a bug (and yes, there are a few
still around in GNOME, which we are fixing).

It's nothing to do with distros or operating systems or architectures being

- Jeff

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