Like I said. Video editing, etc. I watch DVDs with Xine too. I find that
converting DVDs to divx/xvid is a little Faster under linux, though it's
slightly more work.


----- Original Message -----
To: "Andar Broment" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Statement of Attainment in Linux

> you do AV in linux? what sorts of things do you do?
> On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 14:06, Andar Broment wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Geoffrey Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 11:40 AM
> > Subject: [SLUG] Statement of Attainment in Linux
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Educational Allies and other dudes,
> > >
> > > A few TAFE people had a meeting yesterday in Sydney's west---we have
> > > launched the process to creating some Linux Statement of Attainment
> > > courses.
> > >
> > > I think I'm right in saying these will be the first courses in
> > > to offer an inexpensive ($150) open entry Linux specific
> > >
> > > They formalize the courses we have had running at Granville TAFE
> > > Electrical Engineering Dept. for a number of years.
> > >
> > > For your comment
> > >
> > > The courses:
> > >
> > > Statement of Attainment in Linux
> > > --------------------------------
> > > Subjects:
> > > o Occupational Health and Safety 18 hours
> > >     Is this necessary?  Doable by project work or RPL
> > > o Introduction to Linux (72 hours)
> > >     Easy Introduction for non technical people.  80% GUI 20% basic
> > >     command line.  Moms and Pops course.
> > > o Linux and MS Windows network Integration (72 hours)
> > >     Easy Introduction to networking.  100% GUI  Install and network
> > >     a mix of OSs.  Show how nearly everything that you can do with
> > >     Linux can be done with a legacy commercial system.
> > > o Running Linux (72 hours)
> > >     Introduction to Linux for computer literate people.  Aimed at
> > >     people studying Computer Science at other institutions,
> > >     administrators of legacy commercial systems or any all those
> > >     who have been running Linux somewhere and would like to fill
> > >     in the gaps in their knowledge.
> > > o LAMP (72 hours) --- proposal only at this time
> > >     For Linux literate people.  Set up and configure Apache. Install
> > >     and use a free database.  Learn Perl / PHP / Python and create
> > >     a Website with these tools.  Flexable delivery roject based
> > > o TBA 72 hours
> > >     Your idea goes here.
> > <snip, yet again>
> >
> > What about Multimedia in Linux? Configuring A/V Hardware, Music
> > Video Editing, Flash, etc? Not sure if it would fit in 72 hours though..

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