
I'm really sorry if this email out of the usual topic.
Recrntly I receiving junk email with titles like "Details" "re: Details"
etc, which comes from hotmail or yahoo users.
This email always contain "details.pif" or other pif(s) files. Does
anybody have this experience? what kind of virus is this one? I'm using
Ximian evolution which never even open images that comes with my emails.

I'm using POP from yahoo, say if I want to set up an email server that
will directly filter these junk mails for my evolution and my other
mates email, what sort of server is better? any recommendation? I',
planning to set up a server wihich fetch our email clients from various
email vendors (yahoo and my isp's email) and filter it before it arrives
in my inbox.

Best Regards,


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
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