On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 13:36, Amanda Wynne wrote:
> I have an SME server with an ibay with lots of php.
> Under /files in this ibay I have mounted a drive on a Windows 2000 server.
> Php can read files off this remote drive, but I can't mkdir or write to it.
> My mount command, (which I run from a script), as options, gives a valid username & 
> password on the remote system.
> I did a chown to the mount point /files/jobs, to that valid user name, which is also 
> a valid username on the SME server. But after mounting the remote filesystem, the 
> owner & group reverts to root.
> Any help greatly appreciated.
> Amanda
> ----


I am assuming you are using "mount -t smbfs"/smbmount.

Other options I specify are uid=<some valid user name on linux box>,
gid=<valid group on linux box>,rw (rw=read/write, default is ro=read

In my case I use:

mount -t smbfs -o credentials=<credentials file>,uid=<user
name>,gid=<group name>,rw //<windows server name>/<share name> /<mount


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