James Gregory wrote:
On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 12:34, Brad Kowalczyk wrote:
I tried using linuxconf to settup my ppp (as per a ppp howto) but it 
still does not work and now my system hangs on bootup while trying to 
bring up the ppp0 interface. I'm affraid I'm wasting everyones time with 
this, I really dont seem to know what it is I am doing wrong. Thanks for 
the help and suggestions anyhow.

Can you be a bit more specific about what's going on? You start kppp,
hit "dial" or whatever it is, then the modem goes burble burble burble,
then what?
Well it dials and all seems to be well until kppp says "loging onto network" or similar, then after I get  a pppd timeout on signal 15 error.
So kppp is a wrapper around expect (a simple scripting language for
automating tasks) and pppd. kppp will make the call, use expect (or some
expect work-alike) to enter your login info then pass the connection
over to pppd which is the program that gives you the interface that
linux communicates through (by way of some kernel modules I believe).

Now, if your modem is staying connected, and there's no pppd entry when
you check it, I'd say it's pretty likely that there was no pppd entry to
begin with. Let's try doing this the old fashioned way and see how far
you get. Do all this as root with any ethernet cables etc disconnected :

Fire up minicom, ensure that it's configured to talk to your modem. Run
the standard modem tests (ati3 etc).
All is OK

Dial into your ISP (atdt<their number>)

(modem will go burble burble burble)
log in with your username and password. At this point you should see a
tilde and a bunch of random characters on your screen. That's what ppp
looks like.
At this point I get a message displaying my IP address and MTU details etc, no tilde and no random characters. (If I just keep waiting it eventually drops the connection with NO CARRIER.)
Exit minicom *without* dropping the connection (it's "exit without
reset" or "quit" or something).
did this
run "pppd /dev/modem debug". Replace /dev/modem with your modem device.
You may need to specify a speed and such. Look through "man pppd" to see
what options you can use. Also, the "debug" will dump some info into a
logfile somewhere -- worth checking out.

Give it a few seconds to handshake, then you should be able to see ppp0
in ifconfig. 
Did this but no ppp0 entry ever comes up with ifconfig, only loopback. I could not find where the debug info was dumped either.

Any further ideas?

Thanks for the step-by-step instructions btw.


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