Paul Davies wrote:
>ssh does allows me to log in as root.  When I enable X forwarding  I am 
>also able to run gedit over the network remotely.  Now I am happy.

Login as a normal user and then type: su -
to become root. su = Switch User
See man su for more details.

Also take a look at sudo. If you are going to have to do something as
root often, you can login as a normal user and when you need to run
something as root type: sudo <program>
This will then ask for the users password (not root) unless you've
already given it to sudo within a certain period.

Ofcoarse, what a user can do etc. is configured via /etc/sudoers (use
visudo to edit it)

man sudo for more info, else I beleive MandrakeSecure (or something) has
a fairly good guide to setting sudo up.

 - Chris
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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