many thanks, it worked.



John Clarke wrote:

On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 06:56:48PM +1000, Lucas King wrote:

i have RH9 install on my PC. it has been running fine for the last several months. i am now attempting to install Expect.

in order for that to happen i need to install Tcl. i have found the Tcl/tk rpm files on the install disks which i have attempted to install using the RPM package manager. however, i am having no end of problems.

#rpm -ivh tcllib-1.3-88.i386.rpm

That's "tcllib", not "tcl". tcllib will need tcl, but I don't think that tcl needs tcllib. It certainly doesn't on RH7.3 (I have both expect and tcl installed, but not tcllib).

tcl is needed by tcllib-1.3-88

i am no expert in package managers but i am reading this as if the package that i am installing requires itself to be installed, but

A simple misreading, that's all. You tried to installed "tcllib",
which needs "tcl" (look for tcl-8.3.5-88.i386.rpm on your RH9.0 CDs).



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