On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Oscar Plameras wrote:

> > You obviously have never frequented the australian wireless list where
> > you would be told time and time again that this sort of activity is
> > illegal and you need a carrier liscence (sp?) for it.
> >
> Without being cynical can you advise which legal document says
> operating 802.11b would require some form of 'carrier license' ?

Running 802.11b doesn;t, necessarily. However, running 802.11b _and_
sharing internet data over it very likely may require one.


Read carefully - I know of a number of companies who got caught out by
this one.

> Is a 'carrier license' required to install a remote garage or gate
> control, etc.?

No - but they're single ended controls - they're not sharing data.
Different class.


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