-=> All of you, stop whinging about the tiny bit of spam that 
-=> makes it through the list filters.  Something like 99% or 
-=> more of spam *is* stopped at the list server, thanks to the 
-=> efforts of the admins.
-=> The list admins, all unpaid volunteers, do a great job and 
-=> should not have to listen to whiny gits who can't be 
-=> bothered running their own spam filter and expect someone 
-=> else to protect them.

I beg your pardon ?  Tiny ?  Well, if you call 50+ in the last two weeks
tiny, I guess that's so...

Anyway, who made you the bloody mailing list police ?  Some of us "whiny
gits", as you so eloquently put it, have to PAY for the data we download
over piss-poor 56k dial-up connections. Not EVERYONE has the luxury of

I get more spam from this list than any other I'm on.

John, sounds like you've been taking personality lessons from Jeff...:-)
Try taking your head out of your ass for a change.

-=> > Or better yet --- member only.
-=> We've had this discussion too.  It's not going to happen.  
-=> You asked for this a couple of weeks ago and were told so 
-=> then, what makes you think the answer's going to be any 
-=> different this time?

Jeff's gone....  

Yes, the admins are volunteers, and a members-only list would LESSEN the
workload, not increase it. If you can't see that then maybe you should
go back to Windows... You're obviously too THINK to use Linux !

Oh, before I forget; "cat flames > /dev/crapper"


"semper in excreto es sed profundum variat" 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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