** Reply to note from DaZZa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mon, 29 Sep 2003 18:55:50 +1000 (EST)

> This got stopped for a suspicious header. 
> Hmm, what qualifies as a "suspicious header", please? I'll endeavour to 
> make sure I don't have one again. :-)


guilty by association:

I guess, it might have been a header from my original post: my mail client
doesn't generate a message ID, that gets appended by the 1st MTA, and, I
think that trips the 'inconpicous header parser'... sorry

whilst on the subject of suspicious mails, spam, and the like:

I finally flipped the switch to send my mail over to a RH/Postfix host, with
some of the UCE /BL stuff enabled, only to find any traffic to me via the
backup MX server, a teltra.net mail host gets bounced ny my own Postfix as
the telstra host is apparently both an open relay, as well as, listed on
spam cop...:

Voytek Eymont
Checked for Virus's by Asoft Email Scan

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
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