I think this was meant to be sent to the list so ill send it back, answers are intermixed

On Tuesday, October 14, 2003, at 09:48 PM, Dennis Robertson wrote:

On Tuesday 14 October 2003 18:46, you wrote:
Hi Dencar why don't you post to the list some one might help you?

a few things-

gentoo doesnt use runlevels like you think or maybee u have been used
to on redhat?

the run levels are set in /etc/inittab, same as other distros; X won't start
automatically in runlevel 5, but I'm working on it.

yep it uses inittab , but it doesnt use runlevels like you might have been used to

try this command

rc-update add default xdm

try using the default kernel sources? Some times the gentoo kernels can
be a bit weird, you might want to log a bug report on bugs.gentoo.org.

I am using the default kernel gentoo-sources (2.4.20-gentoo-r7); the problem
seems to be the poor performance of genkernel in firstly not compiling for my
system and selected filesystem and then corrupting the copy of bzImage to
/boot/kernel. I find bugzilla one of the worst aspects of the distro.

yeah, well im not really comfortable with the gentoo kernel, try running linux 2.4.22 instead, if that doesn't work you might have some strange hardware.

As for using bugzilla? I guess if you dont fix bugs or report them no one is ever gonna fix them.

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