On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 16:43, Bill Bennett wrote:
> I'm easing myself into oocalc, which is the Open Office analogue
> of the dreaded Excel.
> I expected to be able to duplicate most of the functions
> (although, to be fair I was never much chop at Excel either)
> without many hiccups. However this one has given the Excel whips
> pause for thought. You know this when you are continually asked
> "Are you *sure* this is what you want?"
> I have two sets of data (waterplants) that I want to compare.
> The X-axis is time in days. No problem.
> However, I'd like the Y-axis to be a logarithmic scale. To
> base 2.
> To base 10 is easy enough, it seems. Base 2, no.

I'm not a dab hand at OOCalc either.

But have you tried establishing another column containing
the log(2)(n) of the data (n)?

To do this, note the high-school formula:

  log(baseA)(n) = log(baseB)(n) / log(baseB)(baseA)

substituting for your requirement:

  log(2)(n) = log(n) / log(2)

where log() is log(10)() or log(e)() or whatever base
logarithm is convenient in OOCalc.

Glen Turner         Tel: (08) 8303 3936 or +61 8 8303 3936 
Network Engineer          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Australian Academic & Research Network   www.aarnet.edu.au

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