Thanks Grant and Robert - the problem was correctly diagnosed and now
solved by erasing  the partitions first.

On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 09:03:12 +1100 (EST)
Grant Parnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Being faced with a similar prospect myself soon I'll be looking into 
> manually partitioning and electing to skip the partitioning during the 
> restore. One thing that's bitten me so far is the kernel written to the 
> CDR is for the CPU of the machine you backed up.
> EG I backed up a PIII system and can't boot the CD on a PII system. A 
> celeron works thankfully so obviously the CPU has to be comparable or 
> better than the one backed up from. 
> As for WHY this happened to you I don't know, maybe disk geometry was 
> recognised differently and there happened to be something that looked like 
> a partition table.... perhaps see what happens if you do this from a 
> rescue disk first:-
> [For those trying this at home, this will effectively erase all partitions 
> on the hard disk - not good if you don't have a backup]
> # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=1024 count=1000
>  On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, Peter Vogel wrote:
> > Knowing just enough about linux to get into trouble, I am trying to
> > restore a linux installation from a CD made for Mondo restore.
> > 
> > The CD boots okay, and whirs away for a while, then aborts with: 
> > 
> > "Unable to mount some or all of your partitions."
> > 
> > This is the mondo-restore log. 
> > 
> > One thing that looks odd is the partitions are very small, considering
> > it's a 120GB drive.
> > 
> > I trust that someone out there will immediately spot the problem :-) and
> > give me a clue what to do.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Peter
> > 
> > 
> > -------- first line ---------
> >  Successfully mounted dynamic /tmp ramdisk
> >  find-and-mount-cdrom --- starting
> >  Trying /dev/hda
> >  It's not in /dev/hda; I'll keep looking
> >  Trying /dev/hdb
> >  It's not in /dev/hdb; I'll keep looking
> >  Trying /dev/hdc
> >  It's not in /dev/hdc; I'll keep looking
> >  Trying /dev/hdd
> >  /dev/hdd has a CD-ROM in it
> >  CDROM found at hdd
> >  Wu-Tang Forever! Oh, um, that is,
> >  /dev/hdd is where the Mondo CD lives.
> >  CDROM found and mounted at /dev/hdd
> >  find-and-mount-cdrom --- leaving (0)
> >  OK, I am running on a CD-ROM. Good.
> >  Starting install-additional-tools
> >  Untarring and softlinking disk #1
> >  Untarring and softlinking disk #2
> >  Untarring and softlinking disk #3
> > lib/modules/2.4.12-xfs/kernel/fs/xfs/xfs.o (4348 KB) restored. 22 slices.
> > /lib/ (1132 KB) restored. 6 slices.
> > /lib/ (248 KB) restored. 2 slices.
> > /lib/ (336 KB) restored. 2 slices.
> > /usr/bin/gawk (220 KB) restored. 2 slices.
> >  Hacking softlinks (Zig and Zag style)
> >  Exiting install-additional-tools
> >  klogd and syslogd have been started.
> >  LVM's have been started.
> >  Running portmap
> >  Portmap started OK
> >  Calling post-init 
> >  mondo-restore found; cool...
> >  Turning mondo-restore from a hyperlink into an executable
> >  -------------------NUKE MODE-------------------
> > -------------- Mondo Restore v1.41 -------------
> > Backup medium is CD-R[W]
> > Loading mountlist...
> > /dev/hda1 / ext3 4134932
> > /dev/hda5 /var ext3 2071416
> > /dev/hda6 /mnt/mythtv ext3 33309260
> > Mountlist loaded successfully.
> > 3 entries in mountlist
> > Raidtab is very small or non-existent. Ignoring it.
> > -------- cp -f /tmp/mountlist.txt /tmp/mountlist.txt.pre-resize --------
> > --------------------------------end of output------------------------------
> > Expanding entries to suit drive /dev/hda (4110 MB)
> > Disk was 38588 MB; is now 4110 MB; factor = 0.106510
> > Changing /dev/hda1 from 4134932 KB to 440410 KB
> > Changing /dev/hda5 from 2071416 KB to 220626 KB
> > Changing /dev/hda6 from 33309260 KB to 3547762 KB
> > final_size = 4110 MB
> > Mountlist adjusted to suit current hard drive(s)
> > Restoring Automatically
> > partition_everything() --- starting
> > Partitioning hard drives      
> > Partitioning drive /dev/hda
> > Wiping /dev/hda
> > Zeroing drive /dev/hda
> > Device successfully zeroed.
> > Partitioning device /dev/hda1 (430 MB)
> > Setting /dev/hda1's type to ext3 (83)
> > Partition /dev/hda1 created+configured OK
> > Partitioning device /dev/hda5 (215 MB)
> > Setting /dev/hda5's type to ext3 (83)
> > Partition /dev/hda5 created+configured OK
> > Partitioning device /dev/hda6 (3464 MB)
> > Vaccum-packing
> > Partitioning device /dev/hda6 (max size)
> > Setting /dev/hda6's type to ext3 (83)
> > Returning from a successful vacuum-pack
> > Setting /dev/hda6's type to ext3 (83)
> > Partition /dev/hda6 created+configured OK
> > Done.
> > Formatting partitions     
> > ---- sh -c 'echo -en "y\ny\ny\n" | mkfs -t ext2 -F -j -q /dev/hda1' ----
> > mke2fs 1.27 (8-Mar-2002)
> > --------------------------------end of output------------------------------
> > Formatting /dev/hda1 as ext3...OK
> > ---- sh -c 'echo -en "y\ny\ny\n" | mkfs -t ext2 -F -j -q /dev/hda5' ----
> > mke2fs 1.27 (8-Mar-2002)
> > --------------------------------end of output------------------------------
> > Formatting /dev/hda5 as ext3...OK
> > ---- sh -c 'echo -en "y\ny\ny\n" | mkfs -t ext2 -F -j -q /dev/hda6' ----
> > mke2fs 1.27 (8-Mar-2002)
> > --------------------------------end of output------------------------------
> > Formatting /dev/hda6 as ext3...OK
> > Done.
> > Mounting devices         
> > Mounting device /dev/hda1   
> > mount: fs type ext3 not supported by kernel
> > Unable to mount device /dev/hda1 (type ext3) at /mnt/RESTORING
> > Retrying w/o the '-t' switch
> > mount: fs type ntfs not supported by kernel
> > Unable to mount device /dev/hda1 (type ext3) at /mnt/RESTORING
> > Mounting device /dev/hda6   
> > mount: fs type ext3 not supported by kernel
> > Unable to mount device /dev/hda6 (type ext3) at /mnt/RESTORING/mnt/mythtv
> > Retrying w/o the '-t' switch
> > That's OK. I called mount w/o a filesystem type and it worked fine in the end.
> > Mounting device /dev/hda5   
> > mount: fs type ext3 not supported by kernel
> > Unable to mount device /dev/hda5 (type ext3) at /mnt/RESTORING/var
> > Retrying w/o the '-t' switch
> > That's OK. I called mount w/o a filesystem type and it worked fine in the end.
> > --------------------------------- df -m ---------------------------------
> > Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> > /dev/rd/0                   24        10        14  43% /
> > /dev/shm                    34         0        34   0% /tmp
> > /dev/hda6                 3405        32      3200   1% /mnt/RESTORING/mnt/mythtv
> > /dev/hda5                  213         4       198   2% /mnt/RESTORING/var
> > --------------------------------end of output------------------------------
> > Failed.
> > Unable to mount some or all of your partitions.
> > --------------------------------- df -m ---------------------------------
> > Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> > /dev/rd/0                   24        10        14  43% /
> > /dev/shm                    34         0        34   0% /tmp
> > /dev/hda6                 3405        32      3200   1% /mnt/RESTORING/mnt/mythtv
> > /dev/hda5                  213         4       198   2% /mnt/RESTORING/var
> > --------------------------------end of output------------------------------
> > --------------------------------- df -m ---------------------------------
> > Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> > /dev/rd/0                   24        10        14  43% /
> > /dev/shm                    34         0        34   0% /tmp
> > /dev/hda6                 3405        32      3200   1% /mnt/RESTORING/mnt/mythtv
> > /dev/hda5                  213         4       198   2% /mnt/RESTORING/var
> > --------------------------------end of output------------------------------
> > Unmounting devices      
> > -------------- ps ax | grep buffer | grep -v "grep buffer" --------------
> > --------------------------------end of output------------------------------
> > ...ran with errors.
> > --------------------------- umount /dev/hda5 ---------------------------
> > --------------------------------end of output------------------------------
> > Unmounting device /dev/hda5  
> > --------------------------- umount /dev/hda6 ---------------------------
> > --------------------------------end of output------------------------------
> > Unmounting device /dev/hda6  
> > Unmounting device /dev/hda1  ...not mounted anyway :-) OK
> > Done.
> > All partitions were unmounted OK.
> > Run complete. Errors were reported. Please run 'bug-me'.
> > Mondo-restore is exiting (retval=8192)                                      
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Peter Vogel
> > ZapTV Pty Ltd
> > 30 Adeline St, Faulconbridge 2776
> > Australia
> > Tel: 02  4751 8735
> > Fax: 02 4751 2601
> > email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> ---<GRiP>---
> Electronic Hobbyist, Former Arcadia BBS nut, Occasional nudist, 
> Linux Guru, SLUG/AUUG/Linux Australia member, Sydney Flashmobber,
> BMX rider, Walker, Raver & rave music lover, Big kid that refuses
> to grow up. I'd make a good family pet, take me home today!
>         Do people actually read these things?

Peter Vogel
ZapTV Pty Ltd
30 Adeline St, Faulconbridge 2776
Tel: 02  4751 8735
Fax: 02 4751 2601

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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