> I was wondering if it is possible, or even etiquette to have the following 
> spam filter:
> One that accepts the incoming tcp port 25, and then does the checks in 
> realtime.
> ie:
> EHLO; mail
> <check with rbl lists if IP or reverse lookup is an open relay, if so, 
> send a  530 Access Denied and exit>
Yes it's possible, just means someone needs to update your access file
every time a dodgy email hits your site. In total is it worth your time
updating on a regular basis and having a few dodgy emails coming

Problem is that we will all be one step behind the spammers. We can
minimise their attack once we see what they generate. 
I constantly keep my check_header, check_body and access db up to date.
Every now an again I will get 3 - 4 spams a day as opposed to the 400 I
got last year.


Kevin Saenz
I.T consultants
Ph: 02 4620 5130
Fax: 02 4625 9243
Mobile: 0418455661
Web: http://www.spinaweb.com.au

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
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