Just started to use exim4 with clamav, which kind of fits in here, i
bounce virus email at the smtp data level (5xx).

I was looking at also install the hook to spamassassin and blocking any
thing that has say >15 point rating ! again at the smtp data level


On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 10:25:26AM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was wondering if it is possible, or even etiquette to have the following 
> spam filter:
> One that accepts the incoming tcp port 25, and then does the checks in 
> realtime.
> ie:
> EHLO; mail
> <check with rbl lists if IP or reverse lookup is an open relay, if so, 
> send a  530 Access Denied and exit>
> 250 myserver
> <check system wide blacklist, if exists, then send 530 Access Denied and 
> exit>
> 250 Ok
> <check user blacklist, if exists, then send a 550 recipient address 
> rejected>
> 250 Ok
> Then compare the data line by line, and if it is considered spam status, 
> stop it at that line with a 530 Access Denied and Exit.

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