Hi all,
Am still working away at my problems (now I know what recursion means!)

How do I solve this:
Started to build the openldap rpm from a source rpm, failed due to dependencies.
One of those dependencies (but the problem is with them all) is db-devel needs to be
4.2.5, which of cours is available as a RH9 or even a src rpm. The source is
available and I installed from that (forgot to check whether it had been installed
previously from rpm) - when I did check the rpm manager there is an older version,
now if I wnat to uninstall that I will break dependencies on a large number of other
files, and at the moment the system can't find my new db files.

The only solution I can see is to uninstall everything that is dependent on the old
files, install the new ones and then re-install the programs deleted previously
(some I probably don't need). This could be very tedious - is there another way?

Simon Bryan
IT Manager
OLMC Parramatta
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
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