On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 14:57, Simon Bryan wrote:
> Hi all,
> Am still working away at my problems (now I know what recursion means!)
> How do I solve this:
> Started to build the openldap rpm from a source rpm, failed due to dependencies.
> One of those dependencies (but the problem is with them all) is db-devel needs to be
> 4.2.5, which of cours is available as a RH9 or even a src rpm. The source is
> available and I installed from that (forgot to check whether it had been installed
> previously from rpm) 

I presume you mean to say you installed from source not using the
packaging system. 

> - when I did check the rpm manager there is an older version,
> now if I wnat to uninstall that I will break dependencies on a large number of other
> files, and at the moment the system can't find my new db files.

Install a new binary package, of db-devel. Or rebuild / make a package
of a newer version. 

If you decide you want to make your own binary package, just download
the tarball, install the source package on the old version, modify the
spec to talk about the new version, then rebuild the package.

Mike MacCana              Consultant            RHCX, MCSE, MCP+I
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