
The bill says that public bodies should, as far as practicable, consider the
use of open source software when procuring computer software.

It also specifies that public bodies should not use software that does not
comply with open standards or standards recognised by the ISO or software
for which support or maintenance is provided only by an entity that has the
right to exercise exclusive control over its sale or distribution.

As far as defining open standards goes, the bill says, "software does not
comply with open standards unless the specifications for data
representations used by the software (including, for example, file formats
for data storage, transmission and network protocols) are completely and
accurately documented and available to the public for use, application or
review without restriction." 

NSW next, shall we?

Jan Schmidt                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<stibbons> Yeah.  The whole climax thing would make much more sense
           if I'd paid attention.
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