On Sun, 2003-12-14 at 22:35, Benno wrote:

> Umm, I have to disagree here. The BSD folk want a commons for *anyone*
> to leverage. The GPL folk want a commands for anyone except
> proprietary product developers to leverage.[1]

OK let me flip this with a little story.  I am a corporation, I am
considering releasing my code to the FOSS community.  After some advice
I consider BSD to be the one true free license (my opinion shines
through) and release.  Company B my main competitor picks up the
application and adds some refinements.  Because they have a better
product they start getting my clients and my openness has cost me money.

I think that there are many reasons to release code this is why there
are many licenses.  I can see dual proprietary and Open Licensing
becoming more prevalent as business attempt to leverage the FOSS
movement.  Some will be a success and others will fall by the wayside,
as has always been the case in business and the FOSS community.  (Hands
up anyone that has worked on FOSS that did not really work and the
project died)

OpenOffice.org developer

FOSS = Free / Open Source Software

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