On Wed, Dec 17, 2003, Glen Turner wrote:
> The organisers noticed this and put on another stream.  But if anyone
> has any good ideas for linux.conf.au 2005 then make them known as I
> suspect the problem is only going to get worse.  Having more than four
> streams makes little sense and making a six-day conference longer is
> also problematic.

I'm more familiar with academic conferences, but there doesn't appear to
be any really good solution except a high reject rate. Rejected speakers
then need to decide whether to resubmit elsewhere or give up on the
presentation. (For some academics, conference papers are a career thing,
so they usually go for repurposing.)

That's why I'd like to encourage people with good material or good ideas
or cool stuff to speak to the LUGs if appropriate, rather than just
waiting a year to submit to l.c.a again -- since l.c.a has a high reject
rate, and the LUGs are generally struggling a bit for speakers.

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