Phillipus Gunawan wrote:


I had a GeForce MX 2 64 mb and trying to make it work
under my debian box. I looked at the docos and the
easiest way to get these files:

Package nvidia-glx
Package nvidia-glx-dev
Package nvidia-kernel-common
Package nvidia-kernel-source

is to use apt-get (hey, thats way I am using debian)
Here is my sources.list:

deb testing main
non-free contrib

but when I run dselect and query package of NVIDIA,
only 'nvidia-kernel-common' showing, nothing else.
Anybody know the painless way to get this AGP card

The installer from nVidia has always worked well for me.

You will need to apt-get the kernel-headers to match your kernel, then you just specify the headers path to the installer, and it builds the kernel module for you.

Then 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86' to choose the nvidia driver, remove some modules, etc etc. The README on the nVidia site is helpful.


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