Here here

I was about to reply when I saw this...very nice.

Only thing I want to add is why do we have so many varying car models
and aeroplanes... because of evolutionary diversity in the design. 

On Sun, 2004-03-14 at 19:15, Felix Sheldon wrote:
> Ben Donohue wrote:
> > Sorry Richard but I disagree with this analogy.
> >
> > Evolution theory is based on getting better from NON intelligence. 
> > Intelligence is NOT in the equation.
> >
> Oh no. So you're a creationist then?
> > Linux and other free software is based on the collective intelligence 
> > of a whole lot of very smart people. If I was a programmer I would be 
> > a bit insulted if someone said my work, hard thought and know-how was 
> > in fact based on random input. I'd object and say that I don't just 
> > type in random characters into the keyboard along with a zillion other 
> > programmers and there happens to be the odd one that makes a good 
> > program. AND then some other RANDOM process figures out which is the 
> > best working program and includes that in the Linux kernel without any 
> > testing or whatever. NO.
> >
> It was mostly your choice of language that tipped me off, but this 
> ridiculous statement shows that you have no clue about what you're 
> arguing against.
> Evolution by natural selection can be defined as the non-random survival 
> of imperfectly replicating enities. Notice the *non-random* bit?
> Look at it this way:
> Say many people decide to fork XFree86, and the choices they make about 
> what to put into their new forks are fairly random.
> The forks will obviously not end up identical to the 'parent' project: 
> imperfect replication.
> Over time, some will gain more widespread use than others: non-random 
> survival.
> Therefore, XFree86 has 'evolved'.
> > Linux changes and gets better and better over time as bit like modern 
> > car design or jet aircraft from biplane over time. It's refinement 
> > over time but it's NEVER random. How can something get better without 
> > intelligence behind it? Linux is MADE to be virus resistant by design. 
> > And design means a designer. And a designer means intelligence. Linux 
> > people are intelligent people. THAT'S why we don't get viruses. We use 
> > our intelligence.
> >
> Try reading up about things such as the theory of evolution, emergent 
> behaviour, genetic programming or biology in general.
> I don't think SLUG is the place for proselytising either, thanks very much.
> Felix
> >
> > Richard Neal wrote:
> >
> >> The nearest single analogy I can come across that explains Linux
> >> security is Linux is based on an "evolutionary" development platform
> >> were the fittest and most diverse survive. Were windows has a forced
> >> evolutionary development based on what sells software. As anyone who has
> >> studied evolutionary science can attest the more diverse and random your
> >> genetic makeup, the higher the probability of survival in the natural
> >> ever on going virus arms race.
> >>
> >
GPL                 MICROSOFT

Richard Neal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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