On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 04:55:18 +1100, Jeff Allison wrote:

> OK bought a surftv box which is a set top web browsing thingy works ok
> but it only has a modem. Can I get two modems ie the one in it and the
> one in my redhat box to talk without going via an exchange like a kind
> of null modem but with a modem cable.

Maybe.  It depends on the line interface of the two modems, whether the
originating modem can be told to ignore dial tone (most can) and
whether the answering modem can be made to answer manually without
incoming ring tone.  It also depends upon whether the line interfaces
can work without the DC voltage that's present on a normal phone line
and without being able to source current from the line.

If the two modems support leased-line mode then it's going to be easier
to get them talking.  This used to be a standard feature back in the
days of 2400 baud modems, some 14.4k modems had it, but I think it
mostly disappeared after that.

The only thing I can suggest is try it and see.  You'll have to
manually initiate the connection at both ends (have one dial with ATD
and the other answer with ATA) within a few seconds of each other. 
Start the dialling modem first then have the other one answer.

I can't remember the commands to disable dial-tone detection or enable
leased-line mode, but Google for "hayes modem commands" and you should
find something.


Also HTML mail just seems some how intrinsically evil.
            -- Jason Rennie
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