<quote who="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
> Sorry forgot to include sluglist
> Hmmm Didn't /. have something in about IBM filing for a decloratory
> judgment
> in the SCO case. Where the court will state that IBM didn't infringe on
> SCO's
> copyright through any linux activity. If IBM wins that case then SCO's
> license
> would be null envoid. Can anyone correct me if I am wrong.

Yes, IBM have filed for a declaratory judgement in the SCO-IBM contract
dispute. Despite the ample evidence that the very worthy www.groklaw.net has
compiled, I don't think anyone can say yet what the courts WILL state.

After all, both the Linux kernel and the SCO source trees were written in
the VERY SAME CHARACTER SET, which is clear evidence to me that there may be
copying going on. 

Jan Schmidt                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Stoke me a clipper, I'll be back for Christmas"
  -- Arnold 'Ace' Rimmer, Red Dwarf
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