> "BSD is the only true Open Source license."  This is an interesting
> quote from an idiot.  But I would really like to here other opinions on
> this.

Other opinions on what? "True Open Source"? Your licence classification
scheme below? If you mean "True Open Source", then I think this debate
is a bit loaded for me. I'm not much of a One True Way person. I'm still
of the "that's nice of them!" camp:

"They let me distribute it? That's nice of them, they don't have to do

If you want opinions on what licences we like, here's mine:

 - for example code: as loose as possible, looser than LGPL. If my code
   aims to give people an idea of how to write a certain kind of code, I
   don't want them to worry about when something is or isn't a derived

 - for small scripts: BSD or MIT for similar reasons to example code;

 - for larger projects: LGPL or GPL, because I tend to be interested in
   the health of the project more than the ability of people to use the
   code for whatever purpose they like (distributing the code is healthy
   for the project, distributing changes is healthy, but "making a
   closed source fork" isn't because it won't help the project grow).

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