Friend has to make a training video that will run off a CD on on P3s
running Win2K.

Involves text, images(jpeg) movies (quicktime), animations (flash),
inter-active questions and a final formal inter-active test which needs
to be secure.

He is going to produce a lot of this with Mac OSX and software.

My guestion is about the glue that holds it all together.

I know it all could be done with HTML, but I don't think this meets the
security needs (aka, the test can not be fiddled).

ATM, a sub-contractor is suggesting Adobe In-Design to produce it all in

1) (non-linux) Can anyone tell me if this is abad idea and why and have
anyother suggestions.

2 (linux) Can anyone make any recommendations on opensource to produce
it or to run it.

I've just become the general dogsbody that has to solve all the
technical problems {:-(.

If he was going to offer it on-line (WWW), what would you recommend?

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} email: terryc at  www:  
   Wombat Outdoor Adventures <Bicycles, Computers, GIS, Printing,

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"
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