Terry Collins wrote:

Friend has to make a training video that will run off a CD on on P3s
running Win2K.

Why off a CD?

Involves text, images(jpeg) movies (quicktime), animations (flash),
inter-active questions and a final formal inter-active test which needs
to be secure.

He is going to produce a lot of this with Mac OSX and software.

My guestion is about the glue that holds it all together.

I know it all could be done with HTML, but I don't think this meets the
security needs (aka, the test can not be fiddled).

If it's to be run un-supervised, especially on boxes not under your control then there's nothing that can't be fiddled. If it is to be run on trusted machines, then lock them down (run a browser in kiosk mode?), not much they can fiddle with if they can't get out of the test. Even if they're not trusted, it should be possible to at least make it *difficult* to cheat, you only have to make it not worth the effort, not necessarily 'secure'.

ATM, a sub-contractor is suggesting Adobe In-Design to produce it all in

1) (non-linux) Can anyone tell me if this is abad idea and why and have
anyother suggestions.

Always a bad idea =) NFI about In-Design sorry.

2 (linux) Can anyone make any recommendations on opensource to produce
it or to run it.

Do it as a website, whack it on an apache box and serve it up for the windoze (or any other) machines?
They can't fiddle the test if only the server knows the answers.

If it does have to be on CD, then HTML would work well too. How the test results or answers are stored or transmitted would be the main problem I think.

There's open-source flash tools, but the macromedia stuff is probably easier.

Universities often have computer based quiz type tests, so maybe there's something open source to do that with.

I've just become the general dogsbody that has to solve all the
technical problems {:-(.

If he was going to offer it on-line (WWW), what would you recommend?

HTML / Flash / video as mpeg or ogg. No flash even better. Animated gifs might do for simple animations.

Flash would do the tests pretty well too probably.

HTH, Felix

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