On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 05:41 +1000, Howard Lowndes wrote:
> The subject asks the question.

In my mind, WINE is a better solution *if* you can get it to work for
what you need to do. My reasons for saying that essentially boil down to
the fact that you get better integration with the host OS by virtue of
it making your windows applications appear as normal apps. The windows
filesystem is just a directory on your host box. There's less disk space
required. You see your windows processes in ps, top etc, and you can do
all the normal things to them (renice them, kill them etc)

Win4Lin is a different beast. The last time I looked at it I was very
impressed with it, and even though it isn't free, it is a product I
recommend. If you happen to run mandrake you even get the advantage of
kernels built with the Win4Lin patches in them -- though you need to
select that particular kernel (it's not the defaut).

I look forward to the day that I can unequivocally recommend WINE for
all your Windows needs, but we're not there yet.


James Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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