Stuart Guthrie wrote:
Has anyone setup these two to play together nicely. I've just
recommended the WRT054G to a friend and bigpond are not being helpful as
to how to connect. ie pppoe, ppptp dhcp.

I'm sure it can be done, but what incantation?

His setup is (hopefully)

PC . wifi card ~~~~~~ WRT054G -- CableModem -----------> Bigpond
                              ^^ ethernet cable
                 ^^^ Wireless

I'm going to answer this by saying that I'm reasonably sure it can't be done. Bigpond cable require a proprietary connection protocol that is not pptp, is not pppoe, and requires a specific login program that they only provide for Windows and MacOS.

You can get an unsupported one for Linux called bpalogin but
I'm not even going to hazard a guess about how you'd go about
installing that on a WRT054G.

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