        Friday, August 27, 7:00pm - 9:30pm 
        UTS Broadway

SLUG's monthly meeting. Meetings are open to the general public, and
free of charge.

Please note this month's change in rooms and time. This month's meeting
will be in room 1.04.06 (Building 1, Level 4, Room 6) and SLUGlets will
be in room 2.07.110. There is a map of UTS availible from

General Talk
This month Matthew Palmer will be discussing network and host security
on the modern Internet. Having recently been intimately involved with
the detection and cleanup of a security breach, Matthew was surprised at
the number of things that hadn't been considered by even competent
Administration staff. He hopes that the issues raised and discussed will
save someone the pain and suffering he has had recently. 
The talk will include a brief analysis of the above-mentioned security
incident, a comparison to some other recent high-publicity breaches, and
some commonly- and lesser-known methods of avoiding and responding to
security breaches. 
There will also hopefully be a period of audience involvement, where
everyone gets to share their security ideas, for the enlightenment of
the entire audience.

Special Interest Talk
Following on from André Pang's talk in July titled "Beyond C, C++, Perl
and Python" a dedicated C and Python coder gives his first impressions
of the Ocaml programming language. 
Ocaml is a functional language with additional imperative and object
oriented features. Ocaml programs can be run as as interpreted scripts,
compiled to byte code or compiled to native binaries for all the major

As usual, SLUGlets will be running in another room during the 2nd half
of the meeting for those who do not wish to attend the 2nd talk. This
month SLUGlets will focus on post-installfest issues. 
SLUGlets this month will be in room 1.04.06.

7:00pm: Doors Open & The Usual Suspects 
        Q&A - Introduction to SLUG + "What has Linux done for/to me
        lately?" + SLUG News & Discussion 
7:15pm: General Talk 
        Security and the Internet - Matthew Palmer. 
8:00pm: Break 
        Refreshments in the foyer, for a small covering charge. 
8:20pm: Split into two groups for: 
              * Special Interest: Erik de Castro Lopo - First
                Impressions of Ocaml
              * SLUGlets: quick talks and discussion of Linux and Free
        Dinner at Spice Boys (Indian), $20 per head.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

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