Matthew Davidson wrote:

Here's a really elementary question about symlinks that's taxing my limited mental capacity:

I want to write some php apps to be made available to a number of virtual hosts on a web server. It seems to me that you should be able to put the apps themselves somewhere outside the web root, for instance '/usr/share/phpapp', and have a symlink from the virtual hosts web root, i.e.:

/var/www/host.domain.tld/phpapp => /usr/share/phpapp

You rename directories for httpd access using the 'Alias Directory' command. Renaming with 'ln -s' does not work.

But there is a conventional way to access PHP modules or include
files. This is done by declaring the directory from where to get the PHP
scripts to be included in your /etc/php.ini. Look for a line that says,

include_path = "/path1;,/path2; etc.............."

It will look like so,

include_path = ".;/usr/share/phpapp"

in your case.

Then, you can say,


where your 'phpapp.php' lives in directory,


Then in the application directory have a config file which includes a host-specific config file:


To my mind, this should fetch '/var/www/host.domain.tld/config/phpapp.php', but it doesn't; it looks for '/usr/share/config/phpapp.php'.

My question is, why? And the supplementary question is, how do I get the behaviour I'm after?


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