I had a similar problem with mandrake. It was a while ago so I'll see if I
remember it right. I have 3 monitors and monitors 1 & 2 were OK but 3
always came out at 640 x 480 regardless of what I did. After months
(literally) I found the following solution

The way I fixed it was to insert the monitor freq as it was missing for
monitor 3 in the monitor section

Eg 1024, 768 @ 60hZ, 31.5 kHz hsync

And I had to set the monitor type to a fixed generic type
Eg 1024 x 768

Please note that I am going from memory and you will need to check the
syntax for correctness


Regards Phill

-----Original Message-----
Of Michael Fox
Sent: Saturday, 9 October 2004 12:46 AM
Subject: [SLUG] Help... xfree86 is doing my head in :)

Well I've never been a good xfree86 configure person, probably good
since I always had headless machines.

I took the plunge tonight and did a netinstall of debian sarge and I
must say I am very very impressed with the changes. Being a debian fan
for a long time now, I liked what I saw. The install went good and
since I am trying to get a desktop machine going, as I want to run
vmware to put a windows session into. But before I do this I needed to
get X windows going.

The finished install asked a few questions and I answered. At the end
I got a working X windows session, except the resolution is max
800x600 and its most fustrating. I did a vi of XF86Config-4 and added
the 1280x1024 res I wanted with the default depth of 24.

No matter what I do, I just can't get my X windows session to do any
res other then 800x600.. The res changer tool in gnome or kde will
only show me 800x600 and 640x480. Its most fustrating.. grr.

My monitor is a Benq 737s LCD, and my graphics card is a Nvidia
Geforce4 mx with 64mb of ram.

I'd love to have my X windows on this Debian Sarge install as good as
the res and depth given to me on a Fedora Core 2 install. ie. need to
run 1280x1024 native res.

Anyone care to help me out? I did a google and various other things
but I just cant come up with the goods. I am currently downloading
knoppix to see what sort of config it produces when I boot with it.
Althought that won't be available until later.

If someone could help, please drop us a email with some suggestions.
And I will try them when I get up tomorrow or through the day/evening
as time permits. IN the meantime, think I will call it quits for now
and goto bed.

Thanks in advance
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