On Tue, October 26, 2004 3:43 pm, David said:
> On Tue, 26 Oct 2004, Howard Lowndes wrote:
>> On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 14:50, Rod Butcher wrote:
>> > Sluggers, I started off having to spoof my Firefox browser as Moz 1
>> > Win98 to do St George internet banking. That stopped working so I used
>> > IE 5 Mac. That now crashes and I have to use IE6 Win XP. There is as
>> > pattern here .. and in the US i believe it would warrant antitrust /
>> > racketeering / cartel / wirefraud investigation.
>> > Anybody got any real facts on this ?
>> Ockams Razor (paraphrased):  Never ascribe to conspiracy what can be
>> easily attributed to stupidity.
> occam's razor.... if there are many possible answers to a question, the
> simplest one is usually correct...
> Then again.. that's probably the same thing. They have XP on their
> desktop, so obviously they think everyone else must have to. Much more
> likely than a conspiracy. OTOH, it suits M$ to be non-standard, so there
> isn't much likelihood that they will discourage this behaviour.

Similar issue with the Department of Education and their Back to School
Allowance. It is an Access Database that you import the details into then
export a file to disk. SOme genius decided that it would be a good idea to
allow them to be emailed back - cept the option to still save to disk
comes after the automated email link, and that won't work unless you have
MS OUtlook installed, so instead you get an 'Error 498398' and you can't
export the file to send in! The programmers response was that all I have
to do is to install Outlook as my default email client and it will work -
I declined the offer. This is an example of stupid or lazy programming
rather than conspiracy. I believe the higher ups have told the programmer
to fix it.

Simon Bryan
IT Manager
OLMC Parramatta
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