<quote who="David Liu Lau">

> I think I need that level of customisation that Gentoo offers, even if its
> painful. A hand-tuned system is much more likely to satisfy me, and once
> installed shold be blazing fast. Thanks for the feedback anyways.

A surprising number of ex-Gentoo users have tried Ubuntu and expressed with
sheer horror that it runs faster than their fully-self-compiled systems. It
is not entirely surprising to the rest of us, but it tends to shatter their
perspective on software in an amusing manner.

What you get with Gentoo is the administrative hassle of having to know
which bits of software should be compiled against which to provide which
features, and unnecessarily long package installation times, due to 'lazy
compilation'. Sometimes, these can provide a slim benefit, but more often
than not, they are premature optimisations that have significant ongoing


- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2005: Canberra, Australia         http://lca2005.linux.org.au/
   "Boys will be boys, hackers will be hackers, geeks will be geeks, and
     cyberpunks will always just be ravers with Macintoshes." - Monkey
                            Master, Crackmonkey
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