        Friday, November 26, 6:30pm - 9:30pm
        UTS Broadway

SLUG's monthly meeting featuring talks and SLUGlets. Meetings are open
to the general public, and free of charge.

Please note the change in rooms: This month's meeting will be held in
Building 6, Level 3, Room 22 at UTS Broadway (There is a map of UTS
availible at http://www.uts.edu.au/about/mapsdirections/bway.html ).

General Talk: Jeff Waugh: "Sacred Cows and Source Code" 
What do hamburgers and army pants have to do with gcc? Explaining the
"compile everything" culture of cool, and how we can route around the

Special Interest Talk Luke Yelavich: Linux. Not quite accessible for
Linux on the desktop is growing, slowly but surely. Yet while most
people are interested in the latest KDE themes, or the latest features
in GNOME, there is a small group of people who wish for one thing,
access to the entire Linux operating system. These people are blind or
vision impaired, and when it comes to computer access, have some of the
greatest needs of any computer user. As a result of this, a lot more
time has to be spent on developing software that works for everybody. 
This talk will focus on accessibility from a blind/vision impaired
perspective. It will touch on some of the social issues of providing
proper accessibility, and will also give a brief rundown on what Windows
users are currently able to do with commercial software. The current
accessibility infrastructure for GNOME will be demonstrated, as well as
text console access. Developing accessible applications will also be

As usual, SLUGlets will be running in another room during the 2nd half
of the meeting for those who do not wish to attend the 2nd talk.

6:30pm: Doors Open
6:45pm: The Usual Suspects
        Q&A - Introduction to SLUG + "What has Linux done for/to me
        lately?" + SLUG News & Discussion
7:15pm: General Talk
        Jeff Waugh - Sacred Cows and Source Code.
8:00pm: Break
        Refreshments in the foyer, for a small covering charge.
8:20pm: Split into two groups for:
              * Special Interest: (split) Luke Yelavich: Linux. Not
                quite accessible for everybody.
              * SLUGlets: quick talks and discussion of Linux and Free
        Dinner at Spice Boys (Indian), $20 per head.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

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