On Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 06:03:35PM +1100, David wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, Craige McWhirter wrote:
> > On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 20:48 +1100, Rod Butcher wrote:
> > > Final straw was trying to set transparent background. I was presented
> > > with techno-gobbledegook.
> >
> > File - New - Fill Type: Transparent
> >
> > or in an existing image:
> >
> > Layer - New Layer - Layer Fill Type: Transparent
> I spent 10 years learning photoshop, and it took me an annoying one month
> to get the hang of GIMP. I kept expecting it to work EXACTLY the same as
> photoshop.
> This thread made me wonder: If people were brought up on Gnu/Linux the way
> most people are brought up on Windows, would they then find linux really
> easy, and Windows counter-intuitive and confusing? Is it simply what you
> learn first that defines what you find easy?

I vote a resounding 'yes' on that one.  Mac people say that Windows sucks,
Windows people say Macs and Linux sucks, and I say Windows is a PITA and Mac
OS X is not easy to use.  Whatever people seem to have a chunk of experience
with first more or less defines what they think is the best interface.

- Matt

With enough people around there's a probability ~=1 that one of them is an
MCSE and will give you the wrong answer to your problem.
        -- Toni Lassila, in the Monastery

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