
I've been playing with Fedora Core 3 and ubuntu - all on separate
partitions on /dev/hdb while win2k sits on /dev/hda. Grub is installed
on MBR.

Interestingly, while both Ubuntu and fedora had no difficulty
finding windows - fedora did not find ubuntu (and ubuntu did
not find rh8 (which preceded fedora)). It could be something to
do with /boot (/dev/hda1) getting formatted on install. :-)

I have a few questions on Ubuntu and fedora - I want to change
to a less memory intensive window manager. I've heard of a few ..
but how do I swap to them ?

Secondly, the startup of both Ubuntu and Fedora take considerable
time - I mean minutes. On a standalone system, used for dialup
internet, what are some services that can be stopped ?

Any suggestions are welcome.
Thanks in advance.


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