<quote who="Terry Collins">

> Can someone explain this?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/spam-hold/spam-hold$  find /spam   -name smtpdAB* 
> -print %p

The problem is your escaping of smtpdAB* - as it is, the expression will be
expanded by the caller and find will actually receive a list of matching
files/dirs in the current directory. You want to put smtpdAB* in quotes, or
escape the wildcard so that the string 'smtpdAB*' is passed to find, rather
than the list of matching files/dirs.

find /spam   -name 'smtpdAB*' -print %p 
find /spam   -name smtpdAB\* -print %p
should do the trick.

Jan Schmidt                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pants Pants Pants Pants Pants Pants Pants Pants.
Lovely Pants, wonderful Pa-ants.
Lovely Pants, wonderful Pa-ants.
(Shut up! Bloody Vikings.)
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