On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 13:21:03 +1100, Terry Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can someone explain this?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/spam-hold/spam-hold$  find /spam   -name smtpdAB*
> -print %p

Does this mean you have some saved spam? Any chance of organising you
to inject that back to a email address of mine for some spam filter
testing. Could supply address via private email if its possible.

I just installed postfix + spamassassin + clamav + amavis lastnight
and have yet to test it with some spam. It does need work config wise
as I think I want to sort said spam etc into certain user folder, not
to mention I wouldn't mind keeping a copy to reinject later for
testing (much like it appears you have).

I am happy with postfix etc. Wasnt hard to install (as compared to my
qmail install many years ago for the first time).

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