Mr A Tomlinson wrote:
Hi there,

Due to the incredible costs quoted by ISP's to provide a VPN solution I've
been trying to figure out the easiest and simplest way to create a VPN
tunnel between two networks where both endpoints are sitting behind NAT
devices. Each site has a single fixed IP address and a cheap adsl Ethernet
modem with NAT enabled.

I don't require encryption on the tunnel and I favour FC3/2 as the end point
OS. IPSec solutions built into the OS don't work over NAT, nor does openswan
and I can't follow the IPSec over UDP solutions offered. Haven't tried the
PPP over ssh option (from tldp) as it got a bad wrap about reliability.

Windows2000 R&Ras has a nice pptp vpn solution that is NAT friendly and easy
to setup, but I don't want to go there when I can use Linux instead for
obvious reasons.

So I came back to iptunnel command (using mode ipip) and searched for
examples. One of the best examples I can find is as I can't make it happen on
my network below. What I can't figure out is:


I appreciate any help, but would prefer to have a smart slugger hand me the solution on a silver plate. Fingers crossed ;-)


Sorry no silver platter - have you looked at OpenVPN? Not sure how it is to setup as I've never tried it before. CIPE is another option, have used this in the past between 2 NAT'ed networks. Worked fine, although some time ago it got a bad wrap security-wise (not sure how validly though)?

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