On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 09:49, Simon Wong wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 04:55 +1100, Howard Lowndes wrote:
> > I have been asked to set up multiple LANs with Internet access in what I
> > consider to be a hostile environment - a private uni student dorm
> > complex.
> That's about as hostile as you get!  A lot of intelligent (generally!)
> people with too much time on their hands.

I'm told that most of them are medical students, so the "time on their
hands" may not be a factor, but the generally high TER (or whatever it
is called these days) is :)

> > 8. How do I look for (possibly infringing) P2P traffic?
> ntop (http://www.ntop.org/ntop.html) is a fantastic tool for analysing
> the traffic on your network and includes breakdowns by protocol incl.
> P2P.

I'll check that out, tks.

> We were using this at UNSW to find the "Top Talkers" on the network and
> it was extremely simple to use.
> In particular it made it incredible easy to find compromised Windows
> machines as they'd be the ones that had done 100 times more traffic than
> most other machines ;-)
> > 10. As this is a private dorm complex, what about AUPs between the
> > students and the landlord.
> Definately a good idea but only after the fact or for the honest people.

At least it give the landlord a sound basis on which to boot them out.

> -- 
> Simon Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Wongy.org
LANNet Computing Associates;
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