There is clearly something I'm missing here.

I have a simple spreadsheet in OpenOffice. It looks like this.

01:25:28        5.15
01:25:30        4.5
01:25:32        0
01:25:34        0

The time's on the left, a value is on the right. Just like the above. Except a lot longer.

I'd like to chart it. I can chart it. The chart mainly looks how I want.

X is the number on the left. Y is the number on the right.

Problem: OpenOffice wants to put a label for each value on the X axis.

01:25:28 01:25:30 01:25:32 01:25:34

I have a few hundred values on the X axis. Text is everywhere.

I'd prefer just a few values marked on the X axis. Or even none at all. Anyone know how I do that?


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