On Sat Feb 19, 2005 at 12:03:01 +1100, Colin Carter wrote:
>Newbie,  acquired 64 bit SuSE 9.1 late last year.
>I am up and running, and can compile and link a console C application,
>but cannot link with the X Window modules.
>I am getting unresolved messaged for functions like:
>  TheDisplay = XOpenDisplay( "" );
>  XCloseDisplay( TheDisplay );
>I have searched lots of international forums and posted questions onto
>SuSE lists without an answer.
>I often get the response "Why don't you use ... ?"
>After 41 years of programming I feel that I can say "I want to use X Window."
>I have searched my libraries and environment variables et cetera but,
>being new to Linux, I am (obviously) missing something.  In "the good old
>days" one just set paths etc, but now there are often hidden, assumed
>bits of information such as environment entries.
>So, obviously, I cannot see what I am missing.
>I would appreciate it if somebody could give me a nice (simple?) list
>of things I should check.  I was sent a sample programme, which runs on
>my PC, which compiles on my PC, but won't link (even with the make file sent).
>I've just arrived back in Australia and look forward to meeting up with you
>guys.  Sorry that my son will be visiting over next W/E; looks interesting

From memory I use -lX11, and -L/usr/X11R6/lib/.

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