Denis Crowdy wrote:


I don't run "unstable" (I use "testing") but I'd expect that you'll have
to teach udev to recognize the USB devices and create the right device
files for them. Start with udev(8) and work from there. Look in the files
under /etc/udev/. Also "lsusb -v" might be your friend here (to find out
which strings you should use in the specific rules, if you find that you
have to write your own rules at all).

A rule exists in /etc/udev/udev.rules already:

BUS="usb", KERNEL="ttyUSB*", SYSFS{product}="Palm Handheld*", SYMLINK="pilot"

From the bit of googling I've done, I should be able to see log messages from udev in /var/log/messages which I'm not. The product name seems to match up with what appears in /sys/bus/usb/devices/devicethingy/product so I'm still confused...
I really am confused as indicated by my comment above! The problem seems to be solved if I can always have /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1 as files, whether or not a device is connected. From recollection, this is what I had in the past; ie ls -l /dev/ttyU* would return a list of ttyUSBx file names whether or not the palm was connected. I guess this is very different from the above - udev must be working if I can see the /dev/ttyUSB devices while the palm is connected (which I can).



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