On Tue Mar 08, 2005 at 21:48:00 +1100, john gibbons wrote:
>I think I just successfully downloaded the iso for Puppy and I also 
>think I have successfully burnt a copy. No guarantees on either score, I 
>am still in the early stages of understanding much about Linux.
>Can anyone tell me if Puppy can be installed to dual boot with the 
>dreaded XP? If so, how might it be done?
>It would be appreciated if advice can be expressed in as non technical 
>language as possible.

I haven't tried it, but from a quick look at the page it looks as though
the best way to go is just boot off the live cd, and the it will be able
to use the Windows XP partition to store your data.

I'm not sure what filesystem is installed with Windows these days, but
you will need it partitined as FAT32, not NTFS.

Hope that helps,

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