
just to be more brand neutral


they are linux based. a good friend of mine works there. i believe
some companies rebadge them *shrug*


Dean Hamstead wrote:
ive had a lot of experience with dell NAS servers

they run various version of windows 2000 and 2003
appliance edition

they build on windows built in file sharing, netware,
appletalk and services for unix. it will support
print sharing also.

on top of that they add a range of happy dell tools
which i have actually found very intuative and often
time saving. certainly they are better than any
web based unix admin tools!!!

NAS is a very interesting term. i think its a little
bit of a retarded marking ploy. but anyway. i would
have to say that they are a fairly good solution.


Rajnish wrote:


I would like to get your esteemed opinion on a number of queries concerning NAS. But first a background - our LAN accomodates a number
of diff OSes, including Solaris, Linux, Win2K and WinXP.

We would like to attach NAS device(s) on the LAN, and be able to access
storage space from all the above OSes. In particular, it is important
that NAS devices support NFS - to enable Un*x boxes to mount the space.

The space is to be used both as permanent storage as well as "overflow"
workspaces for our developers.

1) Is NAS a suitable solution for such an environment ? If a case is to
be made for/against it, what are the ups and downs ?

2) More importantly, what are your experiences with dealing with these
devices ? Do they support NFS ?

3) Your experiences with speed and reliability ? We have particularly large files (200MB-2GB) to deal with and compiles includes a large
number of files.

Any tips, suggestions, references will be appreciated.

Thanking you all in anticipation. Please reply to NG for future

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