
Still cannot remove the RPM and nothing seems to want to make VMware work

rpm -ivh --force VMWare-Workstation-X.X.X.i386.rpm

rpm -e VMWare-Workstation

VMware-Workstation is not installed ???

The VMware site states:

rpm -e VMware


Still no joy. I can see all the packages if I search, but...

Ah... forced reinstall then reboot (?) worked... lets see how far I get now...

(thinks: maybe back to qemu if I can install it in FC4)

Hi All,

The company who puts their logo on my pay cheque requires me to use VMware (as of today) to do some funky product demos. No big deal. However, during the configuration of the 3 VM's I need to run (simultaneously) I found a curious little "bug".

If I configure a bridging network adapter, in VMware, to either of my laptop's interfaces then bring that interface up, the kernel panics and it's all over. Host networks are fine. Haven't tried NAT'ed networks but we'll see about that when I'm online again.

Seems there's something the kernel doesn't "like" about the bridging VMware network kernel module. I'm running Kubuntu (Breezy) with 2.6.12-9-686. The VMware modules are being compiled with Breezy's GCC-3.4 compiler (which works fine with the ATi binary driver's kernel module).

Anyone else seen this before and if so, did you fix it? Google and VMware's website turns up nadda.



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